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Gear safety system for rc aircrafts with retractable gears


GearLock prevents a retractable gears to retract if the aircraft is not airborne. For this, the moduel is connected between the receiver channel for the gear, and the gear itself.

The module has a LED for status information and a single button for setup.


  1. Connect the module between the receiver and the rectractable gear
  2. Place the sensor on the aircraft. It must point down with free sight to the ground.
  3. Power up the aircraft.
  4. Hold the button 5 seconds until the led blinks fast.
  5. Bring the gear to DOWN position.
  6. Place the aircraft on a flat underground.
  7. Press the button short. The blinking will stop.
  8. The module is now operating normally.


If the aircraft is on the ground, the retraction of the gear is blocked by the module. A solid red LED indicates that the aircraft is on the ground and the gear switch is on DOWN position. If you now try to retract gear (bring gear switch on transmitter to UP position) the gear operation in blocked and the LED will blink slowly. In this case, gear operation is blocked even if the aircraft is now lifted from ground. First bring gear switch to DOWN position again to unlock gear operation. If the gear switch in brought back to DOWN position, the will be solid again. If the aircraft is not on ground, the LED will go off. Normal gear operation is now possible.

Extension of gear is always possible. Only retraction is blocked by the module.

Module states of operation

LEDGear OperationDescription
OffNormalAircraft is lifted from ground
SolidBlockedAircraft is on ground
Slow blinkBlockedAn Attempt was made to retract blocked gear.
Fast blinkNormalSetup mode. Press button short to finish setup

Technical Data

Operating Voltage4,5-9V
Sensor distance to ground10-50cm


GearLock fully assembled35 EUR

Shipping: 2 EUR withing Germany, 6 EUR EU+Switzerland. Other countries on request.

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rc/gearlock.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/21 20:14 by